Technology is ever changing and we can see this through the advancements in our own technology in our daily lives.
Just a warning, I had made this script way back in November of 2017 for my youtube channel beezito, but I never had the time to finish editing it so here it is 🙂
Moore’s law states that “that the number of transistors in a dense integrated circuit doubles approximately every two years.” Simply put the processing power of computers will double every two years. This is true due to transistors getting smaller and smaller. Hence more transistors on a CPU dye and as a result we see compute power. We can see this with the majority of generations of processors, for companies to remain competitive we have seen Moore’s law in effect.
The jump between the generation of Pentium to the even faster i7 line up have been quite significant to say the least, with even the average person like you and I able to afford the compute power that consumers could have only dreamed about only 20 years ago.
However within the last 10 years Moore’s law as shown on the graph has shown to slow down slightly, however it really isn’t. We see have seen a slight slowdown in Moore’s law, however it is not significant enough to say that Moore’s law does not apply at all. The amount of transistors we are able to fit on a dye have increased and we can see this clearly from a 2006 65nM Intel core 2 duo To a 2017 14nM Intel i7-8700k, hence a crazy amount of an increase in transistors being able to fit on a single dye.
So have we reached the limits of our processing power? Nope! Welcome to the new age of Quantum computing where everything is smaller, faster and cheaper? Quantum physics is far from classical physics and instead describes a weird world where as quote “
describes nature at the smallest scales of energy levels of atoms and subatomic particles.” In a nut shell its where subatomic particles such as a photon act a in ways that don’t align with classical physics as a result tasks that a normal computer like the one your watching video on would be able to do operations much quicker.
To further understand in a normal computer we a have a bit a binary bit 1 or 0 however a quantum computer has a qubit, these ‘qubits’ and I quote “treated as separated physical objects with two distinguishable states 0 and 1 with the difference between the classical bit and qubits is that we can also prepare qubits in quantum superposition of 0 and 1” That’s a bit hard to understand so imagine and I quote
“A qubit can be thought of like an imaginary sphere. Whereas a classical bit can be in two states – at either of the two poles of the sphere – a qubit can be any point on the sphere. This means a computer using these bits can store a huge amount more information using less energy than a classical computer.” Its quite interesting and I’d suggest researching about it.
So, quantum computing takes advantage of a phenonium known as Quantum tunnelling which is a phenonium where in fact instead of electrons passing through one medium to another we will actually get to the point where the mediums are soooo close to together that the electron will actually jump between these mediums without needing the physical connection of the mediums.
Now if we take this concept and successful apply this to an application like neuromorphic computing that is to copy the intelligence of a human brain (self learning Artificial intelligence), we might in fact be able to allow the AI the hardware capacity for even further deep learning algorithms. Now as a result further down the line we may able to speak to one of these AI’s or in fact if a database was collaborated across the world into research for the self-learning AI it may be to even surpass the human brain and its comprehension may in fact go further beyond even mine or yours. Now picture this Elon Musk’s has created a deep learning AI that was made to teach itself. Now this AI had done many things but to put it to the test they matched the AI against one of the best Dota 2 players in the world and guess what happened the AI won. On current architecture this AI was able to evaluate and learn from playing thousands of games against itself.
Now imagine if this AI was given the hardware capabilities of Quantum architecture and made to comprehend Human emotions, language, literature and knowledge about the whole world; all of that combined I’m sure we would have one dam smart AI.
Now lets not get a head of ourselves; there are still a lot of design problems issues and research that need to be done before we are even able to come close to that level of technology. But companies like Google, IBM, Intel and many more are all racing to create the most powerful Quantum chips At the progression rate we are at in the industry currently it is estimated these AI’s would be able to surpass us by 2030. We still have a long way to in terms of developing quantum computers for the average person. However, the industry is growing and we will let time dictate how long until we have these unimaginable amounts of computing power.
But don’t be surprised when your next-door neighbor calculates the highest amount of figures known in Pi or is reconstructing proteins on a virtual basis.
However, the average user won’t benefit from this type of technology due to the current level of technology being good enough or even better for browsing the web, watching YouTube or Netflix.
Recently at CES (Consumer electronics show) Intel showed off their own Quantum computing chip. If you want to see it, the link we are below to linus’s coverage of Intel booth at CES. If you go and watch the video you can actually see the Quantum chip is actually quite small and needs to be HEAVLY cooled at a very chilly temperature for the chip to actually function correctly. This temperature is very close to absolute zero or 0 Kelvin however not quite there.
Who knows what’s to come in this new age of Quantum Physics what possibilities it will behold for the future, but for now that’s all. If you didn’t get any of that or had no prior knowledge into what I was saying re-watch the video or to understand more I’d suggest watching or reading the video’s and or webpages in the description below.
Other than that make sure to hit that like the button to support this type of video, pop us a comment of what you thought in the comments below and make sure to have an awesome day! 😀
How CPUs Are Made As Fast As Possible – Title says it
How a CPU is made – Title says it
How a CPU Works – Title Says it
Intel’s QUANTUM CPU Prototype – Intels 49Qbit 2018 CES Protoype Quantum Chip – Explains Superposition in Quantum Mechanics
Lawrence Krauss: Quantum Computing Explained – Easy to Understand Quantum Computing
What is Quantum Computing? – BBC Click – Average consumer Quantum Computing
Transistors, How do they work ? – Modern transistors
The Death of the Modern Transistor and Moore’s Law – What the future beholds?
Quantum Computing as Fast As Possible – Title says it
Supercomputers as Fast As Possible – Super Computers and Quantum Chips
Elon Musk’s ‘Dota 2’ Experiment is Disrupting Esports in a Big Way – No Playing Field – Title says it – Moores Law – Intels 49Qbit 2018 CES Protoype Quantum Chip – Quantum Computing – Quantum Computing – Moores Law and transistors