DIY Wooden Headphone Stand?
I am a real fan of DIYPerks and his videos. I really like one of his projects being the Ultimate Headphone Stand video. Luckily at University, I have access to many tools including a laser cutter. This project is amazing and was so fun to complete. I am so happy with the build quality of my headphone stand. With that I have also improved my skills in designing and making products which is amazing. Again thank you to the University of Auckland’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship with their tools being the Maker Space and the amazing training/courses they provide. Also thank you to Matt to DIY Perks for the original idea and inspiration to actually go make my own.
Here is the video of the DIY Headphone Stand:
YSTech: Article:
UOA CIE’s Makerspace:
Matt from DIY Perks: