Free Google Stadia! With Free Games

Google’s gone mad! Stadia is free with games!

Yup it sounds as good as it is. Google Stadia is free, at least for a while. I received an email from Google saying that Google Stadia would be free for 2 months. They are doing this because of the COVID-19 quarantine.

Personally I’ve never used Stadia as I am from New Zealand, I might get a chance now with a VPN. Unfortunately I have subpar internet right now as my house had been flood and destroyed to which we are waiting for it to be rebuilt :). Enough of that for now at least my family and I are safe :).

I’ve seen the lackluster experience from many tech reviewers and personally I don’t think there is any point in re-buying games on top of the laggy experience. Also you need top-notch connection speeds like Gigabit etc for a truly enable time. But hey if they are offering Stadia for free why not give it a shot!

14 countries free access to Stadia Pro for two months.

Anyone who signs up will get two free months of Stadia Pro with instant access to nine games, including GRID, Destiny 2: The Collection, and Thumper.” 

A pretty good offer in my books.

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