Remove graphics drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)
This is how to properly remove any graphics card drivers from your Windows computer. Please follow the steps correctly to ensure that, on the off chance, Windows doesn’t reinstall generic Windows drivers.
Here is the video of how to use DDU:
0:00 – 1:08 Step 1: Download DDU
1:09 – 2:14 Step 2: Identify/Download your Graphics Card Driver
2:15 – 3:19 Step 3: Disable your internet connection
3:20 – 3:48 Step 4: Create a restore point
3:49 – 4:23 Step 5: Reboot into ‘Safe Mode’ in Windows
4:24 – 5:02 Step 6: Open DDU
5:03 – 6:38 Step 7: Remove graphics drivers via DDU
6:39 – 7:02 Step 8: Install New graphics card drivers
7:03 – 7:24 Step 9: Enable your internet connection
Step 1: Download DDU Linked Here:
- Extract the file.
- Then inside there is another file called DDU vXX.X.X.X.exe (The X for the version number). Double click this file and press extract.
- Another folder will be created called DDU vXX.X.X.X.exe.
- Inside this folder is the actual program called Display Driver Uninstaller.exe.
Step 2: Identify/Download your Graphics Card Driver
- To identify your graphics card press CTRL + SHIFT + ESC on your keyboard.
- Task manager will open.
- Click performance and scroll down you will now see your graphics card brand and model.
- Search your for your graphics card drivers on google. i.e. Nvidia Graphics Card Drivers.
- Nvidia Drivers:
AMD Drivers (Chipset as well):
Intel Drivers:[Downloads]&f:@stm_10385_en=[Graphics]
- Nvidia Drivers:
- Download the drivers but do not install them yet.
Step 3: Disable your internet connection
- Turn off your router. Or
- Search Network and Internet settings in windows or right click the network icon in the bottom right to open it.
- Next press change adapter options.
- Disable your networking settings such as Wifi or Ethernet.
- If you are currently using them it WILL NOT have a red X next to it.
- DO NOT re-enable your internet UNTIL we have re-installed your graphics card drivers.
- NOTE the only reason you need to disable your internet connection is because just in case on the off chance that windows installs generic graphics drivers which can cause issues sometimes, not often but it can happen.
Step 4: Create a restore point
- Search creates a restore point in Windows.
- Find your ‘C’ drive and press create.
- Enter the date and what we are doing so, e.g., 21.01.25, Before Removing GPU Drivers.
Step 5: Reboot into ‘Safe Mode’ in Windows
- Reboot into safe mode by going to the power options in Windows, and while holding shift on your keyboard, click the restart option.
- Now press troubleshoot.
- Now press startup settings and click restart.
- Wait for your PC to restart.
- Now press option number 4 on your keyboard for enable safe mode.
Step 6: Open DDU
- Once in safe mode, find where you downloaded DDU and open the Display Driver Uninstaller.exe file.
- Since this is your first time opening it press Ok on the first menu and when the options menu opens you may close it as we don’t need to change any options here.
Step 7: Remove graphics drivers via DDU
- There are three options for uninstalling.
- Clean and restart use this if you are going to re-install your graphics card drivers for the same GPU.
- Clean and do not restart. Use this if you want to uninstall other drivers that, for example, could have previously been installed or if you want to remove other audio drivers. This can cause a black screen on some older systems as you no longer have a graphics driver installed.
- Clean and shutdown is if you want to install a new graphics card, so you physically remove your old graphics card and then install your new graphics card.
- Pick the option that suits you the best, and then when it’s completed, there will be a message on the screen telling you it’s done.
- If you choose not to restart, please restart your computer now.
Step 8: Install New graphics card drivers
- Install the previously downloaded graphics card drivers where you downloaded it from and go through the relevant steps on the installation. (Your PC will probably need to be restarted again).
Step 9: Enable your internet connection
- You can finally enable your internet connection again by turning it on or following step number 3 again and pressing enable instead of disable.
Step 10: IMPORTANT! AMD USERS: Reinstall your Chipset Drivers
- This can be done after you enable your internet connection again, but sometimes DDU can remove AMD chipset driver for your CPU.
- So reinstall from the AMD Website, Search AMD Chipset Drivers and follow the installation steps.
Your Done! 😀
I will have another tutorial coming out later on how to restore using a restore point on windows.
YSTech Written Article:
DDU (Graphics Card Uninstaller):
Nvidia Drivers:
AMD Drivers (Chipset as well):
Intel Drivers:[Downloads]&f:@stm_10385_en=[Graphics]